Residential Shipping

All full member libraries are allowed to ship library-related materials to residential locations.


  1. Your library may ship library-related materials to residential locations (locations that are not libraries/businesses).
  2. Participation in the pilot is voluntary.
  3. There is no cost to member libraries. IDS will cover the cost of the ground shipping costs and delivery surcharges on the package with the exception of address corrections. It is important that member libraries validate the shipping address in the UPS software prior to shipping the package.
  4. Each package will count towards a member’s annual package count, which could move a member into the next member category.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or (215)348-2940 x1625.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is IDS exploring residential shipping?

IDS is continually looking at ways we can better serve the needs of our membership in a cost effective manner. In November of 2017, IDS conducted a planning survey to explore interest in various shipping options. Of the options presented (residential, international, Saturday delivery and overnight delivery), residential delivery received the most interest. In July 2018, the Board of Directors approved a limited pilot for the specific libraries who expressed interest in residential shipping in the planning survey; this pilot has expanded to all member libraries.


What do you mean by residential shipping?

Residential shipping is defined by our shipping carrier, UPS, as shipping to a non-business/library location. In the past, IDS did not allow residential shipments and would issue a penalty/service charge for residential shipments. The pilot program eliminates the penalty/service charge for the duration of the pilot.


Why would I ship library materials to residential locations?

We commonly hear that member libraries have an interest in shipping library materials to distance learning students, off-site faculty or staff members, or homebound patrons.


What is the cost to participate in residential shipping?

There is no cost to member libraries to ship to residential locations. UPS does charge a residential delivery surcharge on each package shipped to a residential location; IDS will assume these shipping costs as part of the pilot program, with the exception of address corrections. It is important that member libraries validate the shipping address in the UPS software prior to shipping the package. Members should know that each residential package will count towards a member’s annual package count, which could move a member into the next member category.


How will I get packages returned to my library?

This is a local decision. Libraries may consider printing a return UPS shipping label under their IDS UPS account to include in the outbound shipment for easy return by the patron. As long as the package is shipped to the member library within the IDS guidelines, IDS will cover the cost of the return package. This return package will count towards a member’s annual package count, which could move a member into the next member category.