2022 Board of Directors
Board Officers
Carol Brigham (Board President) Associate Dean Operations/Collection Management, LaSalle University (2nd Term 2022)
Jill Morris (Board Vice President) Executive Director, PA Academic Library Consortium, Inc. (PALCI) (2nd Term 2023)
Sarah Penniman (Board Treasurer) Director, Elizabethtown College (2nd Term 2022)
Vacant (Board Secretary)
Patrick J. Harkins, State House of Representatives (State Representative)
Amy Lee Heinlen, Assistant Librarian Access Services, Duquesne University (1st Term 2023)
Alexander Kirby, Information Literacy and E Learning, Pennsylvania Highlands Community College (1st Term 2022)
Meg Massey, Manager Interlibrary Loan, Penn State University (1st Term 2023)
Ginger McGiffin, ILL Supervisor, Clarion University (Appointed 2021)
Heather Sharpe, Acting Director, Bureau of Library Development, Office of Commonwealth Libraries, PA Department of Education (State Library Liaison - Non-Voting Member)
Beth Williams, Interlibary Loan Supervisor, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania (2019 1st Term)
Pamela Dinan, IDS Adminstrator, Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 (Non-Voting Member)